End Combat or Monster

See also

For starting combat, see Pre-Combat. For sending the player back to town after a loss scene, see Town Jumps & GameOver.


Player instantly loses combat and goes to loss scene based on focused monster. Has no display text, it happens instantly. Note you can use the GameOver function to make your own loss scenes as well without having to go back to the combat loss scenes. Up to you.


Immediately ends combat and goes to combat reward screen.


Clears out monster encounter, immediately ending combat and gives rewards.


Clears out monster encounter. Use if you want to completely leave combat when you jump to an event.

In a loss scene, "ClearMonsterEncounter" followed by a jump to event function can be used to ignore a game over. Just remember to use CallLossLevelUp before clearing the monster encounter for loss exp gains.


Same as above but doesn’t return the players ability to run.


Removes focused monster from encounter, rewards no exp money or loot.


Defeats the focused monster, still ensuring their exp and loot for the player when combat ends.