Monster Focus

Focus is given automatically whenever a monster is currently actively on their turn in a round of combat, or when one of their lineTriggers are active, including any combat events they jump to from their skills or lineTriggers. The below functions can manually alter the currently focused monster.


Focuses on the specified monster by their number in the encounter. If the number is bigger than the encounter size, it will focus on the last monster in the encounter. Starts at 1.

"FocusOnMonster", "3"


Focuses on a random monster in the encounter.


Shuffles the monster encounter and renumbers them. You must refocus the monster for other functions if you want to do anything else after calling it.


Refocuses on the first monster you entered the function with. Will not work if you used "ShuffleMonsterEncounter".


The focused enemy Speaks.


Same as above, but simply no quotations. Typically used for combat event skill name displays.