
See also

For Choice functions outside of the given file, see Get Event Choice.


Will set the specified choice number to the following string value. Think of them as numerically organized flag markers you can set for an event, not as variables.

"SetChoice", "1", "Stole the panty"


Will check for a choice. If the choice number’s possible value is a match to the stored value, it then goes to the specified scene. If it’s not a match, it will ignore the scene jump, and continue the scene.

"IfChoice", "1", "Stole the panty", "PlayerGoesToHornyJail"

By default, all "SetChoice" functions not yet triggered by the player exist as blank strings "", which can be checked for.

ChoiceToDisplayPlayer and ChoiceToDisplayMonster

"ChoiceToDisplayPlayer" & ChoiceToDisplayMonster grabs the specified choice’s value for the Text Markup specified below, and is not reset until it’s called again, so it will affect other events. Thus, it should be called at the start of an event.

Both are exactly the same, each function simply titled with the intention of either being used for setting a nickname for the player or monster. Or even giving the Monster a different name in dialogue, say, giving a generic monster in an event an actual name. They could be used for other purposes.

"ChoiceToDisplayPlayer", "1"

[DisplayPlayerChoice] and [DisplayMonsterChoice] in Event Text Markup is the markup to utilize the functions.


Sets the selected choice to the player’s name. For the above function’s intended use case.

"SetChoiceToPlayerName", "1"

See SetChoiceToPlayerNameFromOtherEvent for setting a choice to an external event.