Event Creation

Breaks down the keys and :term:`strings </Doc/Tutorials/TheJsonFormat>` used by Events.

Base game Event .jsons are located at Json/Events/. The bubble slime events showcase modern practices well, located at Mountain/FizzySpring.json, and CombatEvents/BubbleSlimeCombatEvents.json.

A blank template can be found at Events/_BlankEvent.json.

Assume all :term:`keys` are required, unless stated otherwise.


"name": "Name of Event",

The name of the event is presented in the Grimoire and for internal referral.


"CardType": "Event",

Changes how the game calls and utilizes the event. See CardType Values below for all possible values.


  • "CardLimit": "0", sets the maximum limit of "Event" CardTypes that can be added to the Grimoire by the player. Set to "0" if not used by the CardType, or for no limit to the amount of events.

CardType Values

Grimoire CardType




Will appear in the Grimoire in the “Events:” section. The only value with interacts with "CardLimit":.



Will appear in the Grimoire in the “Quests:” section.


Town CardType




Will appear as an option for the respective location in the town. Putting "EnterArea" in the "Description": key will make it trigger when the player enters that location.





Brothel CardType




Will be called for the shift choice the player or Belle makes. Putting another shift type in the "Description": key will make it count for that shift too. Repeating the same shift type increases its chances.





Used for shifts during the day. Can also be combined with the previous three shift types via "Description":, or repeated for higher chances.

Triggered CardType




Not automatically triggered by anything. Typically used for combat events and dedicated loss/victory events. Can be accessed through Event Jumps.



Triggers upon the start of a new day. Useful for tracking addictions.



Triggers when any amount of time has passed. Useful for tracking player status effects.



Triggers when players transition between events or encounters during adventures. Also useful for triggering player status effects.



Triggers specifically at the end of turn, primarily for player functions as it triggers every turn regardless of who’s fighting.



Triggers at the end of combat. For specific player skills such as Pin, see as an example.



Triggers specifically at the start of turn, primarily for player functions as they Triggers every turn regardless of who’s fighting.



Triggers at the start of every combat, generally for player combat event use.



Triggers every time the player orgasms, including out of combat.



Called when the player sleeps, via the SleepPlayer function. Note that no dreams will be called if "SleepPlayer" is followed with "DelayNotifications".



"Description": "A description of the event",

When used for a Grimoire CardType, it will present the string you provide on the right hand side of in the Grimoire when players are reviewing events and quests for selection.

When used for town card types, providing it with the string "EnterArea" will make it trigger when the player enters that location.

When used for brothel shift card types, using a different shift type will make it count for that shift too. Repeating the same shift type increase its chances.

requires & requiresEvent

"requires": ["Vandal Note"],

Retrieve the "name:" key(s) of an Item to use as a requirement for players to access the event, primarily for the Grimoire. Typically a key Item. The key must be included, but the array can be left empty. You can leave either a blank string or none at all.

"requiresEvent": [
  "NameOfEvent": "",
  "Progress": "-99",
  "ChoiceNumber": "-1",
  "Choice": ""

A more complex and optional key that contains objects that will check for progress or choice in a event. It can be used in alongside or as an alternative to "requires":.

Given it’s an array, you can introduce multiple requirements of the same type by providing duplicate objects for as long as it contains all four of the given keys.

You need to provide a value for "Progress": and "ChoiceNumber":, else it will not work. If you don’t wish to use one of them, use the default values above. "NameOfEvent": and "Choice": need at least empty strings.

If in use, you cannot exclude unused keys in the object, they must all be present. If "requiresEvent": isn’t being used at all, it can be excluded from the file entirely.


"Speakers": [
  "name": "IDname of Monster",
  "postName": "",
  "SpeakerType": ""
  "name": "IDname of another Monster",
  "postName": " A postName.",
  "SpeakerType": ""

"Speakers": gives functionality for the "Speaks" function, used in dialogue. Each speaker will need to be put in a separate object. Each object added is correlated to a number in the "Speaks" function, starting from 2 for the second object to a maximum of 12 added speakers, ordered by each object added from top to bottom. See Dialogue for more information on the "Speaks" function.

"name": must be from the "IDname": key of a Monster. Don’t worry, it will proceed to display the string in the monster’s "name":, not the IDname.

"postName": will place the data provided in the string after their name, for example, if you wanted to differentiate multiple generic monsters (Elf 1, Elf 2, etc). Can use the "SetPostName" function to override it for all characters. See the function page Speakers Specific for more information.

"SpeakerType": currently only serves one purpose. If set to "?" will let you put in any name you wish for the "name": key, regardless if they even have a monster json. Alternatively, the "Speak" function can be used instead. Otherwise, it can be left with an empty string.

While "Speakers": and at least one object with the listed keys must be included, it doesn’t necessarily need to be used. All keys in the objects require at least an empty string.


"EventText": [
  "NameOfScene": "EventStart",
  "theScene": [
    "While walking an intricate pink rune suddenly appears beneath you!",
    "Do something!",
    "See what happens.",
  "NameOfScene": "Do something!",
  "theScene": [
    "You trip on the pink rune and suffer a bad headache."
  "NameOfScene": "See what happens.",
  "theScene": [
    "It's a pink rune. It continues to exist defiantly."

"EventText": is an array of objects containing the series of scenes that will make up your event. Each object will contain the exact same keys.

"NameOfScene":, which takes a string you provide it to uniquely identify the scene. They can contain whatever you please.

"theScene": which takes an array of strings that make up the scene. These objects are plainly called scenes. Your strings will be displayed to the user as narrative text, unless it’s identified as a function.

The first scene added will always display first for your average event jump from any of the "CardType": values. However, specific scenes in a event can be jumped to, either by a game feature or by a function.

See functions for the vast range of functions that can be used in scenes.

Optional Scenes

When debugging scenes (see I’m not jumping to the scene I set! in FAQ), you may find yourself with scenes you don’t intend to ever be linked to by a function. In this case, you can declare it as an optional scene to the game by prepending its "NameOfScene": value with any of the following:

  • An _ underscore. Intended for any scenario where you want the debugger to ignore the scene, such as internal notes, cut content, or in-progress work not meant to be accessed by the player yet.

  • event or uppercased Event. Loosely intended for your starting and ending scenes, such as "EventStart" (your very first scene) and "EventBroke" (your very last scene).

  • debug or uppercased Debug. Loosely intended for scenes made for debugging purposes while making the event. Sometimes used in place of "EventBroke" as last scene.

"NameOfScene": "_EllyProgression",
"theScene": [
  "Get through forest dungeon.: 5",
  "Clear temple: 5",
  "True Power Sigil Event: 5",
    "+34 progress on a picnic outing with Venefica and Perpetua.",
    "+69 progress on silent mutual studying sessions together."
"NameOfScene": "EventBroke",
"theScene": [
  "Something went wrong when scene jumping! Event Progress: [ProgressDisplay]."


Using "EventStart"``and ``"EventBroke" as advised is a recommended practice.

The games in certain scenarios will jump to the first event in your scene, meaning you may not have any links to your first scene at all. Using "EventStart" consistently for this makes it never a guess to remember, and causes it to be flagged as optional.

If you accidentally jump to a scene that doesn’t exist due to accidents like spelling errors, the game will always jump to the last scene in the event. Having "EventBroke" as your last scene with an error message will better inform you when testing your mod, and causes it to be flagged as optional.