Get Event Choice

See also

For Choice functions within event files, see Choice.


Check an events choices and check if the choice matches, if so, jump to scene.

"GetEventAndIfChoice", "EventNameHere", "3", "The choice", "SceneToJumpToHere"


Gets an event, and sets the specified choice to the given string.

"GetEventAndSetChoice", "EventNameHere", "1", "The new set choice."

ChoiceToDisplayPlayerFromOtherEvent & ChoiceToDisplayMonsterFromOtherEvent

"ChoiceToDisplayPlayerFromOtherEvent" & "ChoiceToDisplayMonsterFromOtherEvent" grabs the specified choice from an external event’s value for the Text Markup specified below, and is not reset until it’s called again, so it will affect other events. Thus, it should be called at the start of a scene or event.

Both behave the same, each function titled with the intention as either being used for setting a nickname for the player or monster. Or even giving the Monster a different name in dialogue, say, giving a generic monster in an event an actual name. They could be used for other purposes.

"ChoiceToDisplayPlayerFromOtherEvent", "EventName", "1"

[DisplayPlayerChoice] and [DisplayMonsterChoice] in Event Text Markup is the markup to utilize the functions.

See ChoiceToDisplayPlayer and ChoiceToDisplayMonster for doing it within the same event.


Sets the selected choice to the player’s name in another event. For the above functions.

"SetChoiceToPlayerNameFromOtherEvent", "EventName", "1"

See SetChoiceToPlayerName for doing it within the same event.