Monster Checks


All of the functions below only work in :doc:`Event </Doc/Manual/Events/Events>` based .json files.


Checks for the specified monster in the encounter, will ignore focused monster if checking for other with the same name.

"IfThisMonsterIsInEncounter", "MonsterName", "SceneNameHere"

EncounterSizeGreaterOrEqualTo & EncounterSizeLessOrEqualTo

Checks if the current combat encounter has an equal or greater, or equal or less than respectively, of the given number of enemies.

"EncounterSizeGreaterOrEqualTo", "2", "SceneNameHere"


Checks if the focused monster level is greater than the specified amount.

"IfMonsterLevelGreaterThan", "39", "SceneNameHere"

IfMonsterHasStatusEffect & IfMonsterDoesntHaveStatusEffect

If the focused monster does or doesn’t respectively have any of the specified status effects, jump to the given scene.

Providing "RequireAll" prior to listing any status effects will make it only match if the monster does or doesn’t respectively have all given status effects.

See Status Effect Reference.

"IfMonsterHasStatusEffect", "RequireAll", "Restrain", "Charm", "SceneNameHere",
"IfMonsterHasStatusEffect", "Restrain", "Charm", "AnotherSceneNameHere"

IfOtherMonsterHasStatusEffect & IfOtherMonsterDoesntHaveStatusEffect

Same as the above, but requires first specifying another monster in the encounter. Note that it will shift focus to that monster. Ignores the currently focused monster.

Keep in mind "RequireAll" comes after specifying the monster.

"IfOtherMonsterHasStatusEffect", "Himika", "RequireAll", "Charm", "Restrain", "SceneNameHere"
"IfOtherMonsterHasStatusEffect", "Himika", "Restrain", "AnotherSceneNameHere"


Checks the focused monster for a single status effect with the given amount of potency. Will shift focus to that monster. Ignores the currently focused monster.

Note not all status effects use potency, see Status Effect Reference.

"IfMonsterHasStatusEffectWithPotencyEqualOrGreater", "Aphrodisiac", "50", "SceneNameHere"


Checks if the monster’s arousal is greater than the given number.

"IfMonsterArousalGreaterThan", "120", "SceneNameHere"


Checks if the current monster’s arousal will make them cum.

"IfMonsterOrgasm", "SceneNameHere"


Checks if the current monster’s energy is 0.

"IfMonsterEnergyGone", "SceneNameHere"


Checks if any monsters in a fight have orgasmed, and proceeds as if hit in combat.



Checks if the monster is out of spirit. Made for use with enemies who have more than one spirit.

"IfMonsterSpiritGone", "SceneNamehere"

IfMonsterHasSkill & IfMonsterHasPerk

Checks if the monster has the skill or perk respectively. Useful for checking for skills or perks given to the monster by a separate event or scene.

"IfMonsterHasSkill", "Caress", "SceneNameHere",