Scene Jumps

See also

For making jumps to scenes in other events, see Event Jumps.


Goes to scene stated in the next string. Scenes are contained within an event, see Event Jumps for jumping to specific scenes outside of the event.

"JumpToScene", "SceneNameHere"


Goes to one of the listed scenes at random. Close with "EndLoop". You can repeat a scene in the listing to make it more likely.


Can also use Requirement Sub-Functions and Displayed Requirement Sub-Functions (though they aren’t displayed in this case), to weight or filter choices based on conditions.

  "RequiresChoice", "1", "SceneName1",


Checks if the named event Exists, then does a scene jump if it does. This is entirely for modders wanting to check if another active mod exists in the game files.

"IfEventExists", "EventNameHere", "SceneInActiveEventNotTheEventYou'reChecking"


Allows you to jump into a scene then return to where it was called initially. These can be called inside each other as well. Exiting one of these calls is the same as ending an event, ensuring it eventually leads to a scene with no jumps.

"CallSceneThenReturn", "SceneNameHere"

See CallEventAndSceneThenReturn for jumping to specific scenes outside of the event.

A note from Threshold:

Be sure to end a call so it can return or weird shit will happen, like rewinding time. Check TimePassed.json or EndOfDay.json for examples of its use.


Turns the next scene jump into a call and return, just like "CallSceneThenReturn". Useful when in tandem with check based scene jump functions, such as from Player Checks or Monster Checks. The scene jump function must be given directly after "CallNextSceneJumpThenReturn" or it will expire.

"IfFetishLevelEqualOrGreater", "Legs", "25", "SceneName"

This is NOT to be used with event jumps.

Bonus - FishingMiniGame

Starts a basic fishing mini game, fail and pass each jump to a different event and there’s a few setting you can alter. AppearTimerRange - the random time range before the fish appears. 100 = 1 second. FailTimerRange - The time before the player fails the minigame. ReelsNeeded - How many times the player needs to hit the fish before the mini game ends.

  "AppearTimerRange", "50", "150",
  "FailTimerRange", "80", "80",
  "ReelsNeeded", "4",
  "FishingPassJump", "JumpToPassScene",
  "FishingFailJump", "JumpToFailScene",