Change Monster

See also

For functions that only work while in combat, see Monster Combat Afflictions. Note that these also only work in combat.

ChangeMonster Functions

Changes the given stat of the focused monster by the given amount. They can take negative values, and it does reset upon leaving the event and/or encounter. These do not produce dialogue.

  • "ChangeMonsterLevel"

  • "ChangeMonsterErosDrop"

  • "ChangeMonsterExpDrop"

  • "ChangeMonsterMaxSpirit"

  • "ChangeMonsterMaxArousal"

  • "ChangeMonsterMaxEnergy"

  • "ChangeMonsterPower"

  • "ChangeMonsterWill"

  • "ChangeMonsterTech"

  • "ChangeMonsterAllure"

  • "ChangeMonsterLuck"

  • "ChangeMonsterInt"

"ChangeMonsterMaxSpirit", "2"


Levels up the focused monster semi randomly based on their existing stat leanings. This can take a number, ‘MatchPlayer’, ‘GoUpByProgress’ or ‘GoUpByProgressFromOtherEvent’.

"LevelUpMonster", "5"


Recalculates the focused monsters exp drop based on the games progression curve of the following formula.


You can use its sub-function "AlterByPercent" to alter the result. The below example is 70% of the recalculation used for boss fights.

"RecalculateMonsterExpDrop", "AlterByPercent", "70",


Recalculates the focused monsters eros drop based on the games progression curve of the following formula.


You can use its sub-function "AlterByPercent" to alter the result. The below example is 70% of the recalculation used for boss fights.

"RecalculateMonsterErosDrop", "AlterByPercent", "70",


Changes the given sensitivity by specified amount for the focused monster. They can take negative values, and it does reset upon leaving the event and/or encounter. These do not produce dialogue.

"ChangeMonsterSensitivity", "Pain", "20"


Changes the given status effect resistance by specified amount for the focused monster. They can take negative values, and it does reset upon leaving the event and/or encounter. These do not produce dialogue. See Status Effect Resistances

"ChangeMonsterStatusEffectResistances", "Sleep", "20"


Changes the given fetish by the specified level amount for the focused monster. They can take negative values, and it does reset upon leaving the event and/or encounter. These do not produce dialogue.

"ChangeMonsterFetish", "Cock", "4"

GivePerkToMonster & RemovePerkFromMonster

Gives or removes the perk respectively from the focused monster. Can give duplicates. It does reset upon leaving the event and/or encounter. These do not produce dialogue.

"GivePerkToMonster", "PerkName"

GiveSkillToMonster & RemoveSkillFromMonster

Gives or removes the skill respectively from the focused monster. Can give duplicates to increase chances. It does reset upon leaving the event and/or encounter. These do not produce dialogue.

"GiveSkillToMonster", "SkillName"

ClearMonsterPerks & ClearMonsterSkillList

Clears the focused monster’s perk or skill list respectively, in case you want to rebuild their entire skill list or perks in the middle of combat. It does reset upon leaving an encounter. These do not produce dialogue.