Stat Checks

StatCheck & StatCheckRollUnder

"StatCheck" Rolls a d20 with the specified player stat, against the given number. If the roll is higher than the given opposed check number, it jumps to the given scene. If it fails, it will go to the scene specified after "Fail". Note you can also check for "Temptation", as a specialized stat check based on Willpower, Allure, and Intelligence. See Stat Reference.

"StatCheck", "Power", "15",
"Pass Scene", "Fail", "Failed Scene"

"StatCheckRollUnder" functions the same as StatCheck, but instead jumps to the given scene on "Fail" upon the player rolling higher than the opposed check amount, and passes if it’s lower. It will inform the player in bold that it is a roll under variant. There is no surpassing ‘failure’ for this variant, and the Surrender status effect has no influence.

"StatCheckRollUnder", "Technique", "15",
"Pass Scene", "Fail", "Failed Scene"
D20 + Stat*0.15 + LuckDie + Defend - 2

Using Defend gives a bonus depending on how many times the player used it in a row: +5 the first time, +3 the second time, and +1 the third and subsequent times. It’s recovered for every turn gone without using Defend. LuckDie is a die roll with a floor minimum of +1 to a ceiling of their Luck times 0.1.

For reference, here is how Threshold has benchmarked the mathematics of stat checks and their intended difficulty. Note lower level players will fare worse, and higher-level players will gradually fare better. See what numbers the base game uses for the stat checks relative to the monster’s level for reference.

  • Very easy = 5

  • Easy = 10

  • Medium = 15

  • Hard = 20

  • Very hard = 25

  • Nearly impossible = 30


A sub-function that can be used before the check to alter the stat check’s difficulty. Each entry of the sub-function is checked for, regardless of any previous entries found to be true or false. The last given value in each instance of the sub-function is the stat check modifier and can be a negative number to subtract instead.

"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfEncounterSizeGreaterOrEqualTo", "2", "5",
"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfPlayerHasStatusEffect", "Charm", "10",
"Technique", "10", "PassScene",
"Fail", "FailScene"

The following sub-sub-functions can be checked for:


"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfPlayerHasStatusEffect", "Charm", "10"


"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfPlayerHasStatusEffectWithPotencyEqualOrGreater", "Aphrodisiac", "50", "5"


"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfHasPerk", "Swift", "-10"


"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfHasFetish", "Ass", "8"


"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfFetishLevelEqualOrGreater", "Ass", "65", "9"


"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfVirilityEqualOrGreater", "65", "9"


"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfMonsterLevelGreaterThan", "50", "5",

IfEncounterSizeGreaterOrEqualTo & IfEncounterSizeLessOrEqualTo

"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfEncounterSizeGreaterOrEqualTo", "5", "10",
"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfEncounterSizeLessOrEqualTo", "3", "-5"

IfProgressEqualsOrGreater & GetAnEventsProgressThenIfEqualsOrGreater

"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfProgressEqualsOrGreater", "15", "-8",
"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "GetAnEventsProgressThenIfEqualsOrGreater", "An Event", "40", "-20"

IfChoice & GetEventAndIfChoice

"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "IfChoice", "1", "A Choice", "-100",
"ChangeStatCheckDifficulty", "GetEventAndIfChoice", "An Event", "2", "A Differnt Choice", "100"


For edge cases where it doesn’t work as a sub-function to "StatCheck". Alters the next stat check across any scene or event. Can stack, and also lower the difficulty. Does not persist after a stat check is called. Displays no dialogue for the change. Use in tandem with check functions such as Player Checks or Monster Checks to indirectly provide it with conditions depending on the resulting scene.

"ChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty", "5"


"ResetStatCheckDifficultyModifer" resets the modifier to 0. Useful when there’s still a way to avoid a stat check after calling a modifier.