Player Combat Afflictions

See also

For afflictions that can be applied out of combat, see Player Afflictions.


The player is immune to normal orgasm calls (e.g. "PlayerOrgasm" still works) for the entire round of combat.

Also see DenyTargetOrgasm and DenyAttackerOrgasm.


Hit the player with a skill. Will not apply stances or status effects from the skill, and does apply recoil damage. It will only damage the target and can crit. It will never miss the target. Uses the stats of the focused monster. Do not use any skill with a targetType that isn’t "single".

"HitPlayerWith", "Caress"

Displaying dialogue has to be done manually, it will not take dialogue from the skill. If you want to display the damage number from the skill, use [DamageToPlayer] in the following string after completing the function.

Check DamagePlayerFromMonster for an out of combat equivalent. Check DamageMonsterFromMonster for an in of combat way to hit monsters with another monster.


Skips the players attack. Specifically intended for use with Counters. This also prevents the player from consuming the skill costType, and using consumables.