Monster Combat Afflictions

See also

For functions that work out of combat, see Change Monster.

ChangeMonsterArousal, ChangeMonsterEnergy, & ChangeMonsterSpirit

Change the related stat to the focused monster. They can take negative values, and it does reset upon leaving the event and/or encounter. These do not produce dialogue.

"ChangeMonsterArousal", "50"


Brings the focused monster to an orgasm, resetting their arousal and deducting their spirit by the given amount.

"MonsterOrgasm", "1"


All monsters in the combat encounter are immune to normal orgasm calls (e.g. "MonsterOrgasm" still works) for the entire round of combat.

Also see DenyTargetOrgasm and DenyAttackerOrgasm.


Fully heals the focused monster and removes all currently applied status effects.

ApplyStatusEffectToMonster & RemoveStatusEffectFromMonster

"ApplyStatusEffectToMonster" applies a status effect via the given skill to the focused monster. Will not display the skill’s "StatusOutcome":.

"RemoveStatusEffectFromMonster" removes the given status effect (see Status Effect Reference) from the focused monster.

"ApplyStatusEffectToMonster", "SkillName",
"RemoveStatusEffectFromMonster", "Charm"


Hit the monster with a skill. Will not apply stances or status effects from the skill, and does apply recoil damage. It will only damage to the target, and can crit. It will never miss. Uses the player stats. Do not use any skill with a targetType that isn’t "single".

"HitMonsterWith", "Caress"

If you want to display the damage number from the skill, use [DamageToEnemy] in the following string after calling the function.